April 24, 2004


I was sitting at my pub last night when I ran across someone I haven't seen in 6 months or a year perhaps... I used to work with this person very frequently, but then they got smart and decided to get out of this industry. Now, they are in college again, headed toward a medical degree... We have always had an odd relationship, but it got better after we stopped working together. The thing is, they were a royal pain in the ass back then... Not because of any flaw in their personality, but because they simply worked in a different way I did. There was a time I dreaded haveing to deal with this person...
That whole time we fought like cats and dogs, we both seemed to respect the other which was why we could probably keep working together. We both knew that somehow the other person was going to get the job done regardless of how insane the situation was. Now, since we have almost no likelyhood of being in a work enviroment together, its quite nice to sit and chat over a drink about the past. No animosity has lingered, and I throughly enjoy seeing them when they're not swampped by books and I'm not drowning in sawdust...
Respect is a powerfull thing...

Posted by Backstage at April 24, 2004 09:38 AM
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