May 08, 2004

Attempted Darwinism

So I was driving from my shop, to my pub earlier in the week, when some kid tried to thin himself out of the gene pool under my truck. You may notice my lack of caring... You would be correct...
The road I was on is a state highway, so traffic isn't crawling, and if you know anything about NJ, then you know we tend to take driving seriously... I noticed this kid (late teens I'm guessing) standing on the curb, which I thought a tad strange, but hey, no problem... Well as I got closer, I noticed he was perched on a skateboard, balanceing with one wheel on, and one off the curb... It was about that time he lost his balance and fell back into the street... Let me take a moment to thank Dodge Trucks for putting anti-lock braking in my truck... By the time I stopped, I couldn't see the kid on the street anymore as he had slipped below the hood from my perspective...
I'm not looking to go out and run down people... Hell its rough on insurance rates, and odds are it can do some damage to your veihicle. However, if you choose to perform stunts of amazing stupidity on a major road, and end up getting squashed as a result, you will not find me shedding a tear...

Posted by Backstage at May 8, 2004 05:09 PM

That kid outta be thanking Dodge too.

Posted by: Ted at May 9, 2004 08:59 AM

A Note Well Taken...

Posted by: Tim at May 9, 2004 06:27 PM
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