June 17, 2004

Musings on the parking lot...

I frequently have to run to Home Depot, or Lowes for one thing or another… Personally I hate going to either one, but they are the best option for getting everything in one spot, plus they’re closer than any of the decent hardware stores… In general, they can be counted on to annoy me at the least, and piss me off at best… The only thing I enjoy about going to either place is the parking lot… Yes, you read that right… The parking lot…
The things you can see people do in the parking lot never ceases to make me laugh… I swear they’re all cliché at this point… There’s the guy holding plywood/fencing/paneling on his roof with his left hand while he drives… Like he could do a thing about it if the slightest breeze caught the load… There’s the guys stacking cement bags in the back of some tiny rice-burner pickup truck… Not one or two, but like 30 or 40… They proceed to drive uphill the whole way home… There’s the guy buying a length of pipe, and its sticking out the passenger window of his sedan, like he’s going jousting on the highways…
I swear that those places must be responsible for more automotive damage, and junk on the side of the road than any other culprit… But hey, it gives me a good laugh every single time I have to go, so I guess that makes it ok…

Posted by Backstage at June 17, 2004 05:34 PM
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