Sweating... That's what today has been about... Both kinds mind you...
There's the sweating of pipes... That mystical process where you heat pipes, melts solder, and watch it suck UP in to the fittings... Capillary action is a wonderful thing... We sweat enough pipe today to run out of solder, and I still haven't left the boiler room with any pipe...
Then of course there's your run of the mill sweat... The kind that pours from your skin when its hot... Sure, I have air conditioning units... I don't have any in the basement though, and even if I did, fresh air is very important when you are dealing with the aforementioned kind of sweating... Toxic smoke and all that...
The hybrid of the two is what I'm dealing with now... The normal sweat has managed to mix with the byproducts of the pipe sweat, and the crud that is on my arms and face has a greenish tinge to it... This I can assure you is a vile condition, and shall be rectified shortly by the shower... I did however have to get my mail, and see just how bad it was down south before the shower and bed...