January 08, 2004

When it rains it pours...

So there I was today, minding my own business, welding for one of the places I freelance, when my partner calls me... "hey, some bid prints just came in, you should take a look at these later"

So off I go after a long day, and with a nasty headache... When I got to my office, I pulled open the prints, and was shocked to see, not one, but two different shows... One of them is a touring show... So I'm thinking, hey, cool, this should keep us rolling for a while... Then I noticed the date they have to go out the door... January 30... Um... Hello?... If I were to start on Friday, that gives me all of 22 days if I work 7 days a week... My brain hurts already... It's going to be a nightmare to get these two shows done in time... Expect blogging to be back to the really slow level unfortunatly...

Now why can't I get shows that will just let me work 5 days a week?... sheesh...

Posted by Backstage at January 8, 2004 05:35 PM
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