October 02, 2003

4 hours...

4 hours of my life were stolen by my client today... Four hours I can never have back... Four hours spent in NYC (in a less than scenic spot mind you) In the cold, outdoors, while I waited for someone to take the drapes I needed to hang, before I put in my deck, from someplace in Atlanta (yes Georgia) to the airport, put them on a plane and send them to NYC, where someone else had to pick them up, and bring them to me... Did I mention that, this process took 4 hours?...  Now, I'm actually impressed that I can get drapes from Atlanta to my site in NYC in 4 hours... But why the hell didn't they send the damn things last night?...

Ok... That's enough vented rage for the moment... We now return you to your regularly scheduled programing...

Posted by Backstage at October 2, 2003 07:15 PM
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