September 14, 2003


Well, over in West Covina, California, the feds arrested a man for the Aug 22 vandalism of a Hummer Dealership.  The vandalism amongst other things was burning of a warehouse, veihicles, and spraypaint on ofther veihicles... The usual garbage like "ELF" "Fat Lazy American" "I (heart) Polution" As most folks out there know, ELF is the Earth Liberation Front... They are a group of idiots that go around burning and vandalising places they feel directly or indirectly destroy the enviroment and the earth... (ok, that's what I understand the wackos to be, I didn't go to their website to verify it) They can't really be considered anything but terrorists in my mind.  I suppose some of what they beleave my have some good in it, but you can not go around destroying places and property to move your political agenda... If I were to start targeting them in the same way, I suspect they'd try twisting around Article 1 somehow and claim freedon of expression and that I was some kind of terrorist going after them... (Personally, I would love to see all these idiots behind bars, particularly with very large, very angry and very lonely cellmates, but I digress)

The thing that always amuses me about their actions is that, yes, they managed to destroy something, good for them.  The problem is that they usually manage to release an awefull lot more pollutants in the process... Burning Hummers are a really good example... As for the structures they burn, they are all pretty much insured I suspect, and that just means they are going to get re-built... useing more lumber... meaning more heavy equipment and trucks kicking out more polutants...

Ok... I just ran over to their website... I was right, they are wackos... If they ever found out how wastefull the entertainment industry is, we'd end up on their list I suspect...

Heres a nice little quote from their FAQ...

The choice to use economic sabotage is a very deliberate and purposeful strategy to target the real underlying threat to life - the quest for profit and power. The ELF does not engage in state sanctioned tactics or those which physically harm people or life in general due to the group's belief that economic sabotage is the best, most direct way to take the profit motive out of destroying the planet.

I read that as them not going after people simply because they feel that material things work better, not because it might be wrong...

Incidently, you really should go and read parts of their site if you feel like seeing a good example of you over-the-top type activist... I'm haveing a good laugh at their expense at the moment... (hey they can piss me off with their politics, atleast the can amuse me with their website)


Posted by Backstage at September 14, 2003 07:34 PM
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