I suppose I will never again be able to complain about driving across Pennsylvania as being boring again... Without a doubt, Nebraska, followed closely by Iowa, and Colorado take the prize in my book now... Nothing against those states really, they're just big, relatively flat (not as flat as I had imagined though, thankfully) and sparsely populated... They've got huge long stretches of straight road that could put a coke addict to sleep... Nebraska and Colorado also have some fees they charge to drive through them with a commercial vehicle, or purchase fuel for that vehicle... I'm still looking in to that scam since I can't get my head around having to pay a fee to simply enter a state... I'm not talking toll bridges and tunnels here folks...
All in all it was a pretty uneventful trip... I'll do the run down on the show and drive next time, but for the moment, I'm off to take a nap...
ah, the travelling road show. that was always so much fun. of course I was on the "away" team that got to fly and check into the hotel and clear the rooms, and wait-bitch-moan about how long it was taking the trucks to get there. :o)
will there be pictures? yes?
I'm usually waiting on the trucks myself... I much prefer that...
As for pictures, no, I can't do that for a couple reasons. I would prefer to retain a little bit of the annonaminoty I still have. Also, there are copywright issues not only with the trademarks that are on many of the set units, but also from the designers I would have to get permission from...
Its a damn shame too, because we do some great work, and I'd love to show it off...