October 22, 2004

Worker's Comp Bullshit

Yes, that says bullshit up there...
Warning, this is going to be a major vent/bitch post...

Our workers comp policy renews, every year in June... There's nothing special about that time, except that's when we picked up a policy back when we started out... So every year, they come knocking on our door with their hand out demanding their money for the year, in advance... No payment plan, 100% up front... Now this pisses me off no end every year, but we're used to it now, and we make sure that we have the cash to pay the bloodsuckers when they show up... Every year, they audit our numbers, and adjust our policy accordingly, so every year it goes up... This we expect, and while it's always painful, we can usually deal with it... This year however is special...

Our policy last year cost around 7 grand, without getting into specifics... They came to that number through their audit, based on 3 classifications we fall under in NJ, since there isn't a "stagehand" category here... Those classifications are clerk (office work), carpentry-shop (in our shop), and carpentry-other (on site, away from the shop). We average between 20 and 30 days on site per year, and the rest is in our shop. Sadly, almost half the payroll for the year happens during those days. (not including my partner and I, which I'll get to) So the carpentry-other is the highest rate, and we get reamed as a result. That however is predictable, and I accept that... My partner and I earn perhaps an eighth, or tenth of our income on site, as we are in the shop almost every day. This year, the workers comp department in NJ decided that we earn 100% of our income in the carpentry-other category. They made this decision based on no information other than we own the company, so we must be on the "job site" all the time... The rate is based on a carpentry site, building houses, etc, not working in some cushy ballroom being mostly worried I might choke on a potato chip from the break table... At any rate, they decided we owe them an additional 5 grand... Yea, that runs the tab to 12 grand for the year... 12 grand is a whole lot of cash for my small company, and I can’t easily write a check for that. 5 grand in equipment, I can justify as I get something for that, but insurance that I haven't used (thankfully) is a bit rough... So they have us over a barrel, and while we are fighting the re-classification, we decided to make the payment, so our coverage wouldn't lapse...
That was where we were this morning... Early this afternoon, the insurance company called, saying they were going to drop us if we didn't pay by the 29th... Ok, so I'm thinking they're just being pricks... Well turns out, they want not only the additional 5 grand for this year, but they want an additional 5 grand for last year. You may note that it is October, and our policy is up in June... So now, I'm looking at not only 5 grand, but 10 grand out of pocket based on incorrect assumptions by some clerical worker in some government building someplace in New Jersey. We can't even find out who we are supposed to be protesting this to... The insurance agent was shocked that we were going to fight this... Apparently he's never heard of anyone doing that before... Now, here's the kicker... I can't even look for another insurance company, because my rates are set by the state... I can get a different name on the top of the policy, but that doesn't actually do me any good...
We have always wanted to run our company above a shadow of a doubt when it comes to money/insurance/legal matters... Well guess what... I now have to wonder if I can actually do that at this point... My employees haven't gotten a raise in years, and while we are still paying at least as good as any shop in the area, we used to be way above everyone... My clients have seen the labor cost go up every year from me, because of increasing insurance costs. Now, with this kind of increase, I will need to raise my labor billing again. We're already more expensive than most shops in the area, this will put us way out of competitive numbers... This is basically on the verge of putting us out of business... Unless we can find some way around this, and that would mean dropping in to the gray area of legal, this may be the beginning of the end for my company...
You want to know why people "go postal"?... It has been my one and only dream for a long time to have a shop of my own... Now, the insurance industry, and the fucking beurocracy in Trenton is not just stepping on that dream, they're just about on the edge of killing it... You crush someone's dreams, and just how much do they have left?... So no, I'm not going to make that 30 minute drive down there and start gunning people down, I'd just end up getting people that had nothing to do with this most likely... But, ya know, I sure can begin to understand why someone might do it...

Posted by Backstage at October 22, 2004 04:24 PM

if you think a an emoloyee makes money on workers comp you live in a make belive world ,you think your dreams were crushed , try working for 30 years, and getting hurt ,and loseing everything,you worked for all your life , to here , from your disabled for life, and you think,at least im going to have my workers comp help me ,and all you get is your empl. treat you like your a pice of shit ,i dare me get hurt on his time making him large amounts of money $$$ how could i be such an asshole,then wait 3 years of going bull shit doctors paid for by workers comp. to say just the oppeset of what the surgon that did the surgry says. I hired an attorny to help with things i did not understand, but what i dident uderstand was that the attornys are all tied togather,your sold down the river at the end ,your told how bad workers comp. is and how your going to come out fine .Well buddy just left the confrence with workers comp to here from my attorny now mind me i not allowwed to go in and here whats going on, guess what the door opens by one of the other people that worked their ,looky looky my attony sitting at a table having a adonut and coffee with there attorny laughing at my exspence, my attorny walks out ,lets step out side real sereace, well ----- hears the dill they offered 88,000 then you have to pay back for exsences and attornys fee and then you have to give 30,000 to social security to hold to pay for your next surgy. i was told well the problem was arnold S. he changed the laws. I was hert in 2002 befor any new laws came into effect, i said bullshit lets go to court ,well now ---- let me go back in and talk to themm alittle more 15 min. go by ,well were up to 100.000 and fees, i felt like i was buying a car, just do it . my life is pretty much F--- ,its all bullshit , try having a famliy and going from 100.000 a year to 1500.00 per month ssi. oh by the way after fees a wopping 25000. i think ill go to disneyland oh just rembered cant do that my legs are all F--- up. juet venting thanks, all that wins workers comp and the system . Have a nice day

Posted by: Jerry at September 21, 2005 11:38 AM

Oh, hell no, I don't think workers make money on comp... I've got a couple family members that have been through the ringer with that... My problem is the system... I carry comp not just because I have to, but because there needs to be something there in the event of an accident... The system is the problem, not the concept...
As always, it's the insurance companies, and the lawyers that make the money.

Posted by: Tim at September 21, 2005 05:23 PM

Thank You ,follow the almity $$$ and find workers comp, and their clan Doc.attornys and the great gov. it has nothing to do with helping people, The deeper in shit they keeps us, the more we think we need them,we need them like we need a shot to the head.The system has been set up by the so called carring and human socity that means the more loot you have the more human your treated, Hell of a deal.

Posted by: Jerry at September 21, 2005 07:11 PM
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