January 22, 2005

Step Away From The Schedule

As usual, its been ages since I posted anything... As usual, I've been busy... Let me sum up for a moment, and then I'll get to the point...
We're doing 4 shows this month. 3 Operas and 1 corporate job... The first opera is an established client, and the other two are new, but with many people involved from the other opera company... They're nice shows, that while we don't make a killing on them, they are always good filler events, and they run some payroll through to keep our regulars from defaulting on their rent... The corporate I mentioned before, so I'll just say that its insanely large and move on...
Here's the thing... The trucks pull out for the corporate gig on the 26th... All the other shows will be up and out the door before that... We're somewhat behind schedule for a variety of reasons... There is a blizzard dumping on us right now... I'm pretty disappointed in myself that I asked people to stay here as long as I did today... Most of them live close by, but when it comes right down to it, these are still just shows... I'd rather loose my main client and go out of business than see someone get hurt getting to or from my shop in whiteout conditions... Somehow the show will go up, and it will be ok if not perfect regardless of us working a full day today, and tomorrow... We'll see how the roads are around noon tomorrow, and make the calls then... Hopefully they'll have things cleaned up by then, but I'm going to drive around a bit first and see how they are before I ask anyone to come out in this crap again...
I'm not happy with what this show has done to me mentally... My friends and employees always have come first... Not to say we didn't work crazy hours, but I've never asked people to work through blizzards or the equivalent before... The number at the bottom of the invoice is bigger than what I've done in the past, but its not worth getting anyone hurt...

Posted by Backstage at January 22, 2005 07:10 PM
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