July 26, 2005

Where does it stop...

Incidently, I'm not dead yet... Still no phone or cable wire in my house to run internet... The whole thing is coming along quite nicely, and I imagine that I'll get around to the phone/cable/network wireing in the next couple months...

But that's not why I'm here today...

I'm sure I'm not the first to mention this, nor will I be the most impassiined, and really I wouldn't even be effected... I don't smoke, never have, don't want to, and really pretty much hate the idea... HOWEVER, the New Jersey legislature has no business trying to make it illegal for people to smoke INSIDE THEIR OWN CARS!!! I didn't verify these stats, but they sound about right... 0.9% of accidents are caused due to smoking in one form or another... The radio show I was listening to quoted 30% of the accidents studied being caused by people adjusting the heating/cooling/vents... I'll bet there's a higher percentage of accidents caused by things like hot coffee, radio adjustment, eating, applying makeup, and reading the newspaper while driving than the smoking percentage...

Stop harassing the smokers!... They're going to apply for minority status soon, and then they'll get all kinds of federal protection... Worse yet, endangered species status and they'll get to claim large areas as "habitat" and I won't be able to go to my favorite pub any more as I might be intruding on their domain... If they want to smoke in their cars, let them, they're not effecdting anyone outside the car... Geesh...

Posted by Backstage at July 26, 2005 10:13 AM | TrackBack
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